Firefox sidebar tabs

by Perroboc

1 min read

Some notes about firefox with sidebar tabs.

Taken from Xilin Sun's Firefox: Hide Native Tabs and Titlebar article.

  1. Install Tree Style Tab.

  2. Go to about:config and set:

    1. toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true.
    2. browser.tabs.inTitlebar to 0.
  3. Go to about:support and click on Open Directory next to Profile Directory.

  4. Create a chrome folder if it doesn't exist.

  5. Create a userChrome.css file in the chrome folder.

  6. Add the following to the userChrome.css file:

    /* Hide tab bar */
    #TabsToolbar {
      visibility: collapse !important;
    /* Hide sidebar header */
    #sidebar-header {
      visibility: collapse !important;
  7. Restart Firefox.